1 day ago Circle Members OnlyWhen sweeping the snow in the morning, I always place your geta at the entrance, even though they haven't touched fresh snow in seven years. I brewed plum tea in the tea kettle and poured it into your favorite celadon cup, and the steam climbed the window grille and condensed into frost—just like you always said my eyelashes looked silly when they froze. That haori with crow feather patterns in the wardrobe is scented with sandalwood every winter solstice, and the moth-eaten cuffs are mended with snowy threads again and again, yet the neighbor's wife praises my tender stitches. Last night, I tried applying the lipstick you left behind, only a bit of red is left in the rouge box, and while smiling at the mirror, I suddenly remembered you said, "Snow maidens shouldn't have warmth." Ah, the tea has cooled again... Would you like to see my first strand of white hair at the temple? I took a photo for you; can you download it when you have time? Darling, when can you come home?
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